Elite Realty
Lenny Zbinden, RealtorĀ®

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Are you thinking of selling your home? Get a free evaluation and market analysis of your home with absolutely no obligation.

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Initial Consultation - Your-Go-to-Market Strategy

  • Current Market Analysis that includes Comps and Market Trends
  • Visual Inspection and Recommendations to Prepare Your Home for Market
  • Timeline Based on Home Prep and Market Conditions
  • Pricing Your Home for Market

Communication Plan

  • Checklists and timelines so you know what to expect
  • Regular updates on activities and feedback via your preferred frequency and method of communication

 Preliminary Inspections

  • Referral List of trusted inspectors that we have worked with before

Home Repairs

  • Referral list of trusted home service providers that we have worked with before

Cleaning Services

  •  List of Preferred Service Providers

Landscaping Services

  • List of Preferred Service Providers

Organization & De-Cluttering Services

  • List of Preferred Professional Organizers

Staging Services

  • Referral list of trusted staging professionalsPre-Listing Marketing
  • Professional Photography (Interior and Exterior)
  • Enhanced Photography When Needed
  • Slideshow Video
  • Professional Print Flyer
  • Single Property Website with Dedicated URL
  • Professional For Sale Sign
  • Virtual Staging When Needed

Marketing Your Home

  •  Listing syndicated across 100's of real estate portals
  •  MLS Network
  •  Open Houses (optional)
  •  Pre-Listing Marketing to Realtor network
  •  State-wide Digital Marketing on Social Media and Internet

 Contract Services

  • Offer review and strategy
  • Expert negotiation of counter-offers, contingencies, timing and rent-backs
    Contract ratification management
  • Broker review
  • Disclosure delivery
  • Title and escrow management

Inspection Management

  • Project Management and Negotiation of Repairs
  • Termite
  • Whole House
  • Well
  • Septic
  • Pool
  • Roof
  • Fireplace
  • Chimney
  • HVAC
  • Sewer
  • Foundation


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What my clients are saying  

Lenny is one of the best agents in town! This guy gets the job done while always having your best interest in mind! A truly great agent! Thanks for everything, Lenny!


~ Donald Bakewell

Let me start out by saying that Lenny's experience, extensive knowledge of the market, and negotiating skills are very evident every time I work with him. He worked tirelessly for me when I bought several investment properties as well as my own home. I always know that he will be tenacious like a bulldog when necessary to protect me, yet he does it in a way that is so calm and diplomatic. My closings have been so smooth, and I've been extremely impressed.


~ Juliette Sullivan

Lenny is one of my favorite professionals to work within the real estate industry here in Nevada. He provides top-notch service and cares for his clients, he is easygoing, professional, and very knowledgeable. Thank you for your support!


~ Jenna Lavecchia

"A family member recommended Lenny to me and I am so glad they did. He was extremely helpful in guiding me through the process of buying my first home. He made sure that everything was taken care of promptly and correctly. I always felt like my concerns were Lenny's first priority. I highly recommend Lenny to friends, family, and strangers!"


~ Betsy

"Lenny worked with us in both selling our current home and purchasing a new home. He is so approachable and always makes himself available for questions and showings. We had such a great selling and home-buying experience with Lenny, and would recommend him to friends and family in a heartbeat."


~ Caitlin

"Lenny's name is the only name I refer people to that are looking to buy, sell, or just looking."


~ Tess

"Lenny is Awesome! He is knowledgeable and a great realtor to work with. We will refer our friends to him again and again!"


~ Alissa

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